How Christianity Transformed Healthcare

Today we all regard compassion, justice and freedom as fundamental to human flourishing. These ideals are based on the biblical worldview: every person has been created in the image of God. Supremely, Christians affirm the dignity of every human life because God himself, in Christ, became flesh. Christ was incarnate from the moment of conception.…

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Integral mission through palliative care in Nepal

When the first mission workers arrived in Nepal in 1954, Leprosy was endemic and caused much suffering with high levels of disability, social stigma and ostracism from the community. With its mission to serve the poorest and most marginalised, International Nepal Fellowship (INF) opened Green Pastures Leprosy Hospital in 1957. Whilst Leprosy remains an important…

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How do we strengthen church and mission hospitals?

Recently listening to Peter Saunders share about the Mission Hospital (MH) database project in a MedSend conference (see video here), and David Stevens sharing in a webinar on ‘Strengthening Mission Hospitals’ has challenged further exploration of the question, how do we strengthen church and mission hospitals? In this short post, I reflect on some lessons…

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The Wounded Healer

The term ‘wounded healer’ is thought to have originated in Greek mythology with the physician Asclepius, a Greek doctor who in recognition of his own wounds, established a sanctuary at Epidaurus where others could be healed of their wounds. In the twentieth century it was taken up by the Swiss psychoanalyst CG Jung and became one…

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‘Conversion Therapy’ – Should we ban it?

A growing international movement is calling for legal bans on any form of so-called ‘Conversion Therapy’, used to ‘convert’ homosexuals into heterosexuals. Based on untruths, half-truths and deliberately confused truths, the campaigners have so far persuaded Germany, Malta, three Canadian provinces and 50 US States to ban such therapy, while Australia, Northern Ireland and Great…

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COVID pandemic: Lessons learnt and the way forward

The COVID-19 pandemic originated in China probably by September 2019 and swept through all the countries of the world causing a public health crisis, overwhelming even well-organised health care systems of the Western world. In its wake there is a huge economic crisis across the globe which threatens the socio-cultural and economic foundations of mankind.…

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The Hubris of Babylon in Healthcare

Wherever you find books about both genomic editing and AI in healthcare, you will also find hubris. Hubris is the polite word used in academia to describe the arrogance and overinflated self-importance so prevalent in that world. ‘The greatest story ever told.’ ‘A new phase of evolution’ and so on.  It’s all a one -way…

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Fetal cells and Covid-19 vaccines: Can Thomas Aquinas help?

Ethical concerns have been raised about aborted human fetal cells being used in the creation of some Covid-19 vaccines. Should this preclude their use? Vaccines developed from fetal cells lines are not new. Pharmaceutical companies have found fetal cell lines to be perfect for growing vaccines. These fetal cell lines were originally derived in the…

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Does God promise to protect Christians from COVID-19?

Some Christians refuse all vaccines on the basis that they are somehow not natural or that they believe God will protect them from diseases.  Some argue that God determines how long we should live so we cannot ‘save’ our lives. But we do things all the time to try and reduce our risk of disease…

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