Posts by Dr Santhosh Mathew
Managing Leadership Succession Well
In life, we go through various successions and transitions. Here, we explore key principles, practices, perspectives and preparations to effectively navigate these changes. Three Principles to Guide Us One of the challenges of work, positions or ministry roles is that they can easily become our identity, defining us and our lives. To prevent this, we…
Read MoreUnhealthy preoccupations and callousness with health
As one looks around and engages with people, one can see unhealthy preoccupations and callousness around health. Physical Health The first issue is an unhealthy preoccupation with physical health. The body is the temple of the spirit and should be taken care of. A healthy diet, reasonable exercise, and healthy habits are important, but there…
Read MoreServing Christ as a Healthcare Professional in India
As a final year medical student I wanted to become the Director of Surgical Services in a medical college, preferably as a brain surgeon. I had this image in mind of doing a ward-round, being followed by a train of juniors, associates, lecturers, residents and students. This picture did not come from a vacuum but…
Read MoreFacing the new normal
As I start to write this article, the news of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 virus is the main news in media. By the time this article reaches you, the context of COVID-19, might have changed, for better or worse, I do not know. But one thing is sure, we are living in uncertain times.…
Read MoreHow do we strengthen church and mission hospitals?
Recently listening to Peter Saunders share about the Mission Hospital (MH) database project in a MedSend conference (see video here), and David Stevens sharing in a webinar on ‘Strengthening Mission Hospitals’ has challenged further exploration of the question, how do we strengthen church and mission hospitals? In this short post, I reflect on some lessons…
Read MoreCovid: leadership lessons from the frontline
En français When Covid spread from urban centres to the villages of India, the country’s healthcare systems were challenged and confused. Owing to fear and uncertainty about managing within such contexts, many private healthcare providers closed their facilities. Government-run systems, which were overwhelmed and challenged even before the pandemic, struggled to respond to increasing numbers…
Read MoreEstamos em um momento Peniel com Deus para sermos quebrantados e vulneráveis
A vida de Jacó fala muito em nossas vidas nesta temporada. A parte da sua história que é particularmente relevante para os nossos dias é o encontro com Peniel. Um homem que sempre quis estar no controle de sua vida – tramando, planejando e traçando estratégias para obter sucesso, mesmo quando isso significava rebaixar os…
Read MoreCinco chamados e uma promessa para tempos incertos
‘“Porque sou eu que conheço os planos que tenho para vocês”, diz o Senhor, “planos de fazê-los prosperar e não de lhes causar dano, planos de dar-lhes esperança e um futuro. Então vocês clamarão a mim, virão orar a mim, e eu os ouvirei.”’ (Jeremias 29:11-12 NVI) Um versículo que tem encorajado e desafiado muitos…
Read MoreLiderando a si mesmo e aos outros em uma temporada contínua de crise e incerteza
Há três ou quatro meses atrás, pensávamos que o desafio e a crise que estamos enfrentando terminariam em breve. “Isso também vai passar”, foi o conselho que muitos de nós tivemos que dar aos outros e até nos lembrar. Mesmo durante o medo e os desafios internos, esperávamos um futuro próximo, quando as coisas se…
Read MoreМы находимся в Пенуэле с Богом, чтобы сломаться и сделаться уязвимыми
Жизнь Иакова является хорошим примером для нас в это время. Часть его истории, которая особенно актуальна в наши дни, – это встреча в Пенуэле. Человек, который всегда хочет контролировать свою жизнь – замышлять, планировать и разрабатывать стратегии, чтобы двигаться вперед, даже когда это означает притеснение других, – внезапно оказывается уязвимым и одиноким, борющимся с человеком,…
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