Our prayers against coronavirus are being answered in amazing ways but one essential element is still missing

Em Português Last Sunday night we lit a candle in our front window and joined hundreds of thousands of other Christians up and down the country and throughout the world to pray about the Coronavirus pandemic. We followed the #Praytoendcovid19 prayer points as follows. For God to intervene to stop the spread of the coronavirus from this day forward…

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Coronavirus and the call to risk

En Français, Español, Português. It’s the early hours of the morning, and I’m standing in a cholera camp looking at the scene around me. There are people everywhere – on beds, on benches, on the floor, even lying in wheelbarrows. Sunken eyes look up at me as I look at the line of IV drips…

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Most European countries are on a similar coronavirus trajectory to Italy and the projected numbers of deaths world-wide are deeply sobering

Em Português One of the striking features of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the different trajectories of spread in different countries.   The epidemic started in China but after 81,000 cases and just over 3,200 deaths there have been no domestically acquired cases there in the last three days. The danger now for China is for…

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Christianity in a time of plague

En Français, Português. Epidemic infections were a source of terror in the ancient world. They would sweep into the cities of the Roman Empire, causing devastation. The Plague of Cyprian was a pandemic that afflicted the Roman Empire from about AD 249 to 262. From 250 to 262, at the height of the outbreak, 5,000…

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Leadership in pandemics – six principles to guide us

En Français, Pусский, Português The COVID19 epidemic has thrown nations into complete chaos.  Fear and panic have gripped the world. Many nations are struggling with the impact of large numbers of people falling ill and increasing numbers of new infections. Many nations are preparing for this eventuality, but struggling, not knowing what they should be…

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Coronavirus: responding like Jesus

Em Português, Français It is hard to have missed the news that coronavirus is a big thing. Government guidance and press conferences every few days; headlines screaming about the risks; editorials debating about the effectiveness of the Government’s measures; all bombard us daily.  We see the news from China, Italy and South Korea, with whole cities…

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